The Okanagan Historical Society is a registered not-for-profit society which relies completely on public support and volunteers to maintain its activities.
First and foremost, you can support our organization by purchasing the Annual Report and thereby becoming a member of the society.
You can become involved in OHS activities by attending events in your community sponsored by your local branch. The branches would greatly appreciate your help with setting up events, locating speakers and venues, or publicizing events or heritage projects. Each branch has a special project or two on the go and would appreciate support with these endeavours. Please contact the president of your local branch for more information.
You can also become involved by interviewing an oldtimer or researching and writing an article. You can submit articles to the appropriate branch editor for inclusion in the next report.
Cash donations are greatly appreciated. The funds are used to publish the report, to grant honorariums, or to support local heritage and historical projects. You can make a donation on this website or by contacting the treasurer of the society or your local branch. Please remember, as a registered society, we can issue a tax donation receipt for any amount over $25.00.