Okanagan Historical Society logo

Salmon Arm Branch

The official charter branch of the Salmon Arm Okanagan Historical Society was established in 1989. Prior to that, the organization was known as the Heritage and Museum Society.To incorporate this, our northernmost Branch, the mandate of the Okanagan Historical Society was changed to include "the Okanagan, Similkameen and Shuswap areas".

Our Mandate, as for all branches of the OHS, is to promote the preservation of historical sites, monuments, buildings, pictures, writings and names.

With the exception of the summer months, we currently meet the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the board room of the Piccadilly Mall, 10 St. SW, Salmon Arm.

At our April meeting, we honour a pioneer family, and elect the following year's executive; refreshments and socializing follows. In 2023 we hosted the AGM for the Okanagan Historical Society and the topic for our speakers was the story of Mah Yick.

Other special dates include a wind-up outing in June and a December Christmas gathering which also features a speaker and a tea.

Local Branch Membership is $10 annually.

Our ongoing projects include video interviewing of pioneers, a display in the Mall for Heritage Week in February, book sales of the OHS Report in the fall and during Heritage Week, and a display in the Memory Lane section of the Salmon Arm Fall Fair.

One of our most active early members, Denis Marshall, was editor of the OHS Report for five years. In addition, he wrote several books about local history such as Sawdust Caesars, Historic Routes,
Photographic Memories, and Fleeting Images.

Display in Memory Lane at the Salmon Arm Fair 2019
Display in Memory Lane at the Salmon Arm Fair, 2019
Mall display
Display at Heritage Week
Book Sale
Annual book sale at Piccadilly Mall
We liaise with the Community Heritage Commission and the Salmon Arm Museum and Heritage Association on various projects. In the past, one of these projects included a series of "Tea and Tour" events which featured old-fashioned tea at the Art Gallery along with tours of heritage houses and buildings. Funds from these projects have been used for plaques and heritage street name signs depicting the history of heritage buildings and streets around the town.  Most recently we have made donations to the R.J. Haney Museum for the purchase of iPads and the Dr. Mary Thomas display.
S.S. Andover at the wharf in Salmon Arm
S.S. Andover at the wharf in Salmon Arm. Courtesy R.J. Haney Heritage Village and Museum, 1977.0099.0140
Salmon Arm Hospital and McGuire Lake, 1940s
Salmon Arm Hospital and McGuire Lake, 1940s. Courtesy Shelley Boursa
Skating on McGuire Lake, 1938
Skating on McGuire Lake, 1938. Courtesy R.J. Haney Heritage Village and Museum

Dorothy Rolin is presented with a Lifetime Membership

One of our on-going projects is to maintain the Walking Tour of Salmon Arm developed in conjunction with the Salmon Arm Community Heritage Commission. The brochures are for sale in local bookstores and businesses.

Board of Directors for 2024-2025

President: Linda Painchaud
Vice President: Cindy Malinowski
Recording Secretary: Barbara Raynor
Treasurer: Wyona Hansen
Editor: vacant
Directors: Denise Lyons, Blane Ready, Blanche Hartnett, Gail Burkitt, Tove Jensen, Lance Ewan, Pat Ogden, Chuck Mobley


Contact info:


We welcome all new members and guests.